Spare Tire Wheel Covers
Moving Trucks Really Suck
Even when dirt is in short supply, the muck still accumulates.
Suction on the back of a moving truck has always been a pain in the backside. It causes dust and dirt kicked up by the truck to be deposited on the back surface of the vehicle, and all that is attached to it. So with our truck, this meant covering our spare tires and wheels with all sorts of debris.
Since our spare wheels were mounted inside out, this provided an giant shelf inside the wheel onto which everything was accumulated. So when it came to cleaning up, getting inches of muck from inside the wheel, eight feet up off the ground, was a real chore.
1500 kms of Dempster Highway dust.
To get around this, we decided to create some shields that would close off the exposed part of the wheels.
Made from 1/8” aluminum sheet, the wheel covers would be held in place with a simple wing nut on a shaft through the centre of the shield. Around the shield perimeter we’ll install a rubber gasket that will both seal the shield to the rim, and prevent the metal cover from damaging the painted finished on the Hutchinson wheels.
This is what 1500 kilometres of northern Alberta winter roads looks like.