Diagnostic Computers Storage Dock

Seldom Used, But a “Must Have” Set of Equipment

One thing that we learned over years of dealing with truck failures, thanks to the builder’s incompetence, was that we needed our own set of diagnostics computers so we could analyze the current problem and determine a solution. Without these computers we’d have to rely on others with the equipment and knowledge to solve our problem. Unfortunately, they are few and far between. So rarely would they be available in the remote locations that we have been when problems occurred.

But with our own diagnostic equipment onboard, we can hook onto the ailing system and then, if necessary, relay the issue to tech support people anywhere in the world by mobile or satellite phone.

A New Home

We carry two dedicated computers. One is a normal PC with diagnostic applications for our Webasto Heaters and Mastervolt electrical system, and another is a Panasonic ToughBook that has special connectors for it to hook on to the EZ-Trac front drive axle CPU.

Up to now those two computers have been in a carrying satchel, stuffed under one of the dinette seats, and buried under a pile of other stuff. But that location is neither convenient nor optimal for this kind gear. So we needed a better solution.

An area that we really don’t use to its full potential is the cupboard in the camera cabinet. There’s an area on the right side just under the ceiling that is never occupied. So it seemed like a perfect place to create secure storage for the two computers.

A simple woodworking project made from left over bits of baltic birch plywood, it would not only hold the two computers, but the cords and power supply for each computer, along with the special interface module that connects the computer to the Webasto heaters. Now everything is located in one easy to access location for whenever the need presents itself.