Roof Fan Failure

Although the roof fan failure wasn't technically the builders fault, we did have to try and fix it ourselves.

MaxxFan Deluxe

What the fan was doing was stopping unpredictably, and at its own discretion. We'd turn it on and a few minutes later it would shut off and close the lid. When we went to turn it back on, it wouldn't. But then sometimes, usually in the middle of the night, we'd hear a click, there'd be a flash of green light from a surface mounted LED, and it would start working again. It did this a number of times until it just stayed off.

Since our experience with the builder for warranty coverage on things was pitiful, we decided to call the fan manufacturer directly for the solution. Once the particulars were relayed to the tech support person, they decided that it was a defective mother board in the circuitry, and they sent us a new board with instructions on how to change it. We also downloaded the installation instructions from the web.

I did the work, and the fan seemed to function properly again. But not for long. A few weeks later when using the truck, the fan did it again. And once again it only fixed itself a few times and then went dead again. By the time this second problem occurred, we were heading to the builder to get the de-laminated wall repaired. So we told them the story and asked them to deal with it. They ended up changing out the whole unit for a new one.